Posts Tagged ‘wild-caught salmon’

Why farmed salmon should be banned

Tuesday, November 13th, 2018

Farmed Salmon Pen

by Catherine Haug, Nov, 2018 (Photo, right by  L. Renehan/Living Oceans Society (1))

Salmon is my favorite fish (after lutefisk), probably because when I was growing up in Bigfork in the 50 and 60s, we had an amazing land-locked salmon fishery here. When I moved to the west coast for college and career, I had abundant access to wild-caught ocean salmon. But we lost our salmon fishery here, and wild-caught salmon are in decline in the waters off the west coast of the USA and Canada.

You might think that switching to farmed salmon would help our wild salmon fisheries to recover, but sadly, this is not the case. In fact, the truth is just the opposite. (more…)