Archive for the ‘ESP Matters’ Category

Financial Matters

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

by Edd Blackler

The mission of the Essential Stuff Project (ESP) includes: increasing awareness of ways to cope with impending shortages, rising energy costs, and other matters of sustainability.  Our efforts incur expenses that average $75 per month, and include: 

  • rent for the use of Clementines
  • coffee and tea for our gatherings
  • printing of materials.

While we are very grateful for your generous donations at our gatherings, they have not been sufficient to meet our costs.  The balance has been met by personal underwriting of our core members.  If you find our efforts worthy, and our gatherings helpful, perhaps you will find a means to increase your contributions at the gatherings, or decide to make an additional contribution to our treasury.

Thank you for your gracious consideration.

The ESP Core Team