Dancing Cow Farm: a CSA in Oregon

by Catherine Haug

One of my Portland, Oregon friends, Kevynne, has an excellent blog in which she talks mostly about her weaving and travel experiences.

She recently had a post about her visit to Dancing Cow Farm, a CSA in Prineville, Oregon. This CSA offers more than veggies, as you will read and see (photos) in the post, including a Yurt for community events and classes! Also a very interesting “Complete Victory Gardening System.” (If you’re interested in the system or have any question about it you can contact Duane and Julie at Farm & Garden Structures in Bend at 541-CHICKEN (541-244-2536) or email them at chicken@gmail.com).

Mother’s Day Weekend at the Dancing Cow Farm



Our good friends Jerre Kosta and Sean Dodson run a small family farm 5 miles northeast of Prineville. They were holding an open house over Mother’s Day weekend so that locals could come and see the operation. They also are part of a local CSA (community supported agriculture) and sell shares so this is a good way for those interested to come and see exactly what goes on. (more)

One Response to “Dancing Cow Farm: a CSA in Oregon”

  1. Thanks for adding this blog to your essential stuff site. I love that all this valuable information is getting around from state to state. I’m sorry there is no way to comment on my blog, I may get rid of that comment button since there seem to be silly restrictions on it. I’ll see if I can’t figure some other button to click on to contact me. Thanks for your support Cat and good job on what you are doing for your community.