Local Restaurant Features Locally-raised Meats and Produce

by Catherine Haug

Several local restaurants feature local produce, including Showthyme, La Provence, and the Culinary Design Studio.  And now, another restaurant offers locally raised meats:

From The Raven newsletter:

“This summer we are focusing on Montana Growers.  We are serving Natural Beef, Chicken and Local Pork from Farm to Market, and we are thrilled to serve Ceres Bakery Buns – a FANTASTIC Bakery on Main Street in Kalispell.  Help us in supporting the local economy and healthy food!”

The Raven is located on the lake in Woods Bay.  Call 837-5472 for more information.

Be sure to check out the Farm Hands Map to help you support local growers.  The map includes farms, gardens, farmers’ markets, restaurants, and stores featuring locally-produced foods.

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