Keeping Bees


by Catherine Haug, June 25

(photo from

I continue to be fascinated by the craft of bee keeping, but not yet brave enough to do it myself. So far I’m contenting myself with encouraging my native mason bees, by giving them a bee block each spring for nesting.

This morning while listening to MTPR, I caught an NPR-Weekend Edition interview of Bill Turnbull about his hobby and book: Confessions of a Bad Beekeeper (what not to do when keeping bees [with apologies to my own]). I was reminded of Ronny’s excellent presentation at our February Gathering on Managing an Organic Beehive.

Mr. Turnbull captures wild swarms, something Ronny recommends, but I’ve not yet read the book, so I don’t know if he also keeps smaller (regressed) bees. Yet something he said in the interview rings with truth: “Keeping bees is a way of giving back [to the earth].”

You can listen to the 6-minute NPR interview at BBC Host Becomes A ‘Bad Beekeeper’.

For More Information


Local Websites:

ESP Articles:

On honeybees

On Mason Bees


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