Pollinators and Their Habitat

Pollinators are animals that assist pollination of plants by moving pollen from one bloom to another.  These can be butterflies, moths, certain types of beetles, hummingbirds, and so on.  But perhaps the most well-known pollinators are bees:

  • non-native (European) honey bees; 
  • native (wild) bumble-bees and mason bees.

As more honey bee colonies succumb to colony collapse disorder, nurturing of native pollinators is becoming increasingly important. 

Native pollinators are threatened worldwide by habitat loss, pesticides, disease, parasites, and the effects of invasive species both as direct competitors and as negative influences upon pollinator habitat.  These threats to the sustainability of native pollinators and their habitat have serious economic implications for humans and for native ecosystem diversity and stability. 3

For more, see the pdf file:  Pollinators and Their Habitat (pdf, 296 KB)

See also Gathering Summary: Pollinators & their Habitat (pdf, 336 kb)

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