Cattle as a Conservation Tool

by Catherine Haug, July 6,, 2013

Nature Conservancy of Montana has an interesting article in their Spring 2013 issue, that is a great companion article to my recent post Why Pasture/Grass Raised and Finished Livestock are Important. Check out “Cattle as a Conservation Tool” in the online version of the Spring issue at (copy paste this link):

Scroll down to pages 12-13 for the article. Read on for a brief synopsis.


While in older times, buffalo ruled and sustained the great prairie for eons, today cattle can substitute for the role of the buffalo, provided the cattle are managed in much the same way at the buffalo managed themselves. The article explains important management techniques:

“Today, our science is showing us how to use cattle and controlled burns to replicate the work once accomplished by bison and natural fire without taking away from the ranchers’ bottom line. … Through the use of fences, the strategic placement of water tanks and mineral/salt blocks, and strategic rotation of livestock into different pastures, we maintain a desirable mix of habitat that is good for both wildlife and livestock.”

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