Local Food Production/Handling Coop in NW Montana

by Catherine Haug, Aug 20, 2011, from Jason Moore

A new movement is afoot to organize a virtual (online) food co-op in NW Montana. This proposed co-op may participate in many “Food System” functions including packaging, sorting, marketing, warehousing, distribution, and recycling.

The first step will be to identify members of a steering committee, and to create goals and objectives for a new consumer owned co-op in the Mission Valley of western Montana.

The co-op’s initial focus is to provide food security and availability to all of western Montana by supplying regional made food and products to its members, by bringing producers and consumers together for ease in procuring healthful, local food.

As time goes forward, the co-op may also provide education on new techniques in food growing, product development, renewable resources, healthier meals, exercise, preventative health care, bartering/trading, wellness coaching and all forms of new and old skills sets.

For more information on this project, or to volunteer to attend the organizational meeting on Wednesday, August 31, 2011, contact:

  • Jason Moore; Get Well Montana Coop; 469-628-1396; jason(at)GetWellRetreat(dot)com
  • Karl Sutton; Mission Mountain Food Enterprise Center; 406-676-0676; ksutton(at)mmfec(dot)org

[NOTE: email addresses disguised for security]


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