Senior Center Gardening: May 2010 Update

editorial note from Catherine Haug

You may recall last year Fran tried to organize a shared garden at the Crestview Senior Center in Bigfork, but was unable to get the raised bed boxes until this year. She sends the following update on this year’s progress.

She hopes to get photos during the year, which I will include as she sends me updates.

Senior Gardening at Crestview

by Fran Wade

Last year was not terribly great with our individual hanging tomato pots.  The only neighbor who had any luck with her tomatoes grew them the conventional way in large pots on her deck, and she had tons of fruit.

So another year, and the Montana Conservation Corps brought us a 3’X5’ raised box which they filled with soil, compost and manure, seeds, and a tray of assorted plant starts.  With all the warm sunny weather, we put in our plants with high hopes and much laughter.  Now the rain is coming to help things along, and when the sun returns we are expecting great things.  To add a festive touch and maybe deter a deer or two, we picked up some colorful pinwheels which we set along the edges of the box.

So far we have planted radishes, two kinds of peppers, lettuce, cherry and Early Girl tomatoes, red and green cabbage, kale, chard, snow peas, mesclun, and bush beans.  The starts on the bush beans that the Corps provided were flowering so we planted them last week, and they already have tiny beans showing.

We are ready for a warm, sunny, productive summer, as we work together in our small community, sharing previous experiences, and learning new skills together.

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